Rosacea Acne is an inflammatory condition of the facial skin, and It manifests with typical symptoms such as persistent erythema, pustules, varicose veins, irritation of the eyes, swelling, skin spots and a strong itching sensation.It usually occurs in women as well as in men. At New You Medi Our doctor treats each individual case, combining the correct diagnosis and dermatological examination with the most appropriate treatment or combined treatment protocols depending on the causes and symptoms of each patient.
Rosacea Acne is an inflammatory condition of the facial skin, and manifests itself with typical symptoms such as persistent erythema, pustules, varicose veins, irritation in the eyes, swelling, skin spots and intense itching sensation. It usually occurs in women as well as men.
The evolution of the Rosacea Acne gradually manifests itself in various areas of the face such as cheeks, nose, eyes and chin.
Various environmental factors, sun exposure, stress, and other environmental factors as well as diet, influence the exacerbation of the condition and the worsening of symptoms.
Depending on its characteristics and the degree of severity and manifestation of the typical symptoms (mild, moderate and severe), Rosacea Acne is divided into several types. It is a chronic skin condition, which is associated with Demodex mites, which parasitize on the skin of the face. Rosacea is a skin condition that is treated but not cured permanently. This is why it is periodically required to repeat iterative treatments and avoid factors that trigger its flare-ups.
Rosacea Acne, requires early treatment and diagnosis so that it remains in remission. At New You Medi Our doctor, treats individually eachcase, combining the correct diagnosis and dermatological examination with the most appropriate and appropriate treatment or combined treatment protocols depending on the causes and symptoms of each patient.At the same time, it offers the appropriate guidelines for the management of the condition and effective long-term control.Our therapeutic approach includes appropriate Medication and administration of topical preparations, as well as the use of Phototherapy or other equipment/treatments as appropriate.